我公司生产的别墅电梯及TWJ系列杂物电梯种类齐全,安装简单方便,运行安全可靠,符合国家JG135—2000标准,是餐饮、医疗、学校、工厂和其它行业垂直运输不大于500Kg货物的理想设备。在第五届(北京),第六届(上海)国际电梯展览会上,我公司展示的杂物电梯以其独特的设计结构, 优良的品质,合理的价格受到国内外电梯同行的青睐和认可,先进的生产加工设备,高学历勇于创新的管理人才,高素质高技能的产业工人,使“长志牌”杂物电梯成为用户的品牌,产品销售及服务网络遍布全国各地,使“长志电梯”成为国内杂物电梯生产企业中的佼佼者。
Heilongjiang changzhi Elevator Co·, Ltd· is a professional enterprise of producing dumbwaiter lift. Our company has formed a series of scientific enterprise management mode during tens of years of development. The equipment of producing and machining is complete. In 2003, our company passed ISO 9001:2000 International Quality Control System Authentications one time.
The TWJ type dumbwaiter lift produced by our company is easy installing, safe running, complete control function. It accords with the measure of JG135-2000. It is the perfectible equipment of restaurant, hospital, company and others, which do not transport goods more than 500Kg vertically. At the International Elevator Show Meeting of the fifth (Beijing) and the sixth (Shanghai), the dumbwaiter lift shown by our company is favored by the same trade at home and abroad for its novel design frame, good quality and reasonable price.
Our producing and machining equipment are advanced, our managers are high degree and good at creating, and our workers are good characters and good skills. This makes changzhi dumbwaiter lift become consumers, preferred brand. Product sale and service are all over the world, which makes changzhi dumbwaiter lift become outstanding in the same trade at home and abroad.